From: USAF Member's Name, Rank, AFSC, Unit, and Air Force Base All Withheld
Subject: Thank You MRFF
Date: September 20, 2018
To: Mikey Weinstein
Military Religious Freedom Foundation Staff
I am a member of the US Air Force.
I would like to thank you for supporting for me at the (military unit and various military sub-units withheld). Specifically, I want to thank Mikey Weinstein. I know he is an extremely busy man who leads a national organization, and was impressed and initially surprised that he spoke with me directly not merely to offer moral support, but to provide practical advice in handling a situation of religious preference in my unit.
My unit's chaplain has, for as long as I have been working at the unit full time, been emailing the entire wing invitations to an evangelical Christian luncheon weekly, never offering anything similar to troops of any other faith. Additionally, my unit's family services civilian aide has regularly sent out invitations to "family retreats" sponsored only by local evangelical Christian organizations. I have never, in (number of years withheld) at my unit, observed the unit to offer any comparable services for other faiths.
Recently, I hit a breaking point. I am a secular humanist, and was raised in a majority Mormon community. I have experienced first-hand the ostracism of being the odd man out. As I felt that same sense of "otherness" among my unit, I wanted to make sure that I wasn't just feeling left out, but that the unit was actually being discriminatory. After seeing the MRFF in the news, I reached out to them. I was blown away to get an almost immediate response from the head of the organization himself, Mikey Weinstein. He informed me of the Air Force Instruction that explained how Air Force leadership is not supposed to show favoritism toward any religion, and walked me through how to make a formal complaint without looking like I was just...complaining.
Without the MRFF. I wouldn't have been able to bring this issue to my commander in an educated, informed, and most importantly backed-by-the-regulation way. My commander is currently working the issue, and I know the MRFF has my back. I know that they'll be able to provide me with the regulatory understanding to rebuff any resistance my unit might have to becoming a more religiously equal workplace. Because of the MRFF, me and my fellow troops who haven't been willing to speak up will have the opportunity to have our voices heard and our rights protected.
Thank you Mikey, and everyone else at the MRFF!
-United States Air Force Member’s Name, Rank, AFSC, Unit, and Air Force Base All Withheld